
VIDEO – In memory of Eng. Alfieri Maserati

Notes on the curriculum vitae of Mr. Alfieri Maserati

Admirer and supporter convinced of the same “Menu dei Motori”, wrote several articles of his hand, making also the rich and exclusive Stock Photo of the Maserati family. Historical articles published exclusively on different numbers of the famous “Menu dei Motori” Yearbook.

Mr. Alfieri Maserati is the son of Ernesto who in 1932, after the untimely death of his brother Alfieri, the founder of Maserati, continued the enterprise with his brothers Bindo and Ettore and designed all the Maserati cars from 1932 to 1947 and all the OSCA-Fratelli Maserati cars from 1948 onwards.
Mr. Alfieri Maserati graduated in mechanical engineering at the University of Bologna in 1962. After graduation he went to the United States for a year to study the latest technologies. On his return to Italy he worked in the field of nuclear research from 1964 to 1970 and published several papers.
In 1970, he entered the automotive field and among other things provided business organisation consulting services. In 1975, he began producing components for vehicle power transmission.
He has devoted many years of his life to studying the history of his family and it is his intention to work with an even greater commitment to enhance the significant achievements of the Maserati brothers in the field of automotive technology and motor racing, starting from the pioneering period – his uncle Carlo built an internal combustion engine for motorcycles at the end of the nineteenth century with which he won several races – and continuing up to OSCA-Fratelli Maserati, the second company which they founded in 1947.
In this context, in 2000 he created the permanent section dedicated to the Maserati Brothers in the Industrial Heritage Museum in Bologna, where in 2007 he organised the international commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the foundation of OSCA.
Mr. Alfieri Maserati is President of the Culture Committee of the ASI – the Italian Historical Automotoclub – and is a member of the Technical Committee and the Cultural Committee of the FIVA – Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens.
He studies the culture and art of central, southern and eastern Asia and has made several trips there, including to the remoter areas of the countries in that part of the world.

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