Menu dei Motori No. 23 for the year 2019
After the event dedicated to the twentieth anniversary (1996-2016), the classic “Menu dei Motori” yearbook began to “change skin”, gradually, year after year, thanks to the new Modena-based organization “Pianeta Modena”, which took over the previous one agency.
Already from the number 21, for the year 2017, dedicated to the 70th Ferrari (1947-2017) but not only, the classic “Yearbook” dedicated exclusively to the world of “Best Italian Cars” (subtitle of “Menu of Engines”) is the slow transformation began: first of all the decision to make the cover rigid a constant, even if initially introduced only as a special “plus” on the 20th edition of the twenty-year, as well as the same quality of the paper, but above all the graphics, more and more accurate , both to promote the legibility of the texts, all rigorously bilingual (Italian / English), and to enhance the quality of the photos and drawings, with a touch of unique originality and color.
Trend, this evolved and then highlighted even better on the number 22 of the year 2018, where, in addition to the rigid cover, the large format and the quality paper, pages have also been added, making the classic “Menu dei Motori” even more full-bodied and above all “precious”!
All this for a public of collectors increasingly interested, but above all more and more international: with the official return of the MCJ, the Maserati Club Japan and above all with the inclusion of some sponsors with direct interests in the USA, it was also immediately noticed the interest of a historic and famous California specialized bookstore, thus officially opening the doors of the rich US market to the “Menu dei Motori”!
Not to mention the renewed commitment on the various internet sites and on social media, where “Menu dei Motori” now boasts millions of fans around the world who identify it, precisely, as the Italian symbol of the “Best Italian Cars”!
An interest so marked as to bring the same “Motor Menu” website to the official sponsorship of the “Ferrari Store”, being for this considered one of the sites with the most selected public in the world, for the taste of “Made in Italy”!
With these premises, the number 23, in preparation for the year 2019, promises to be to all intents and purposes a new qualitative leap, strongly sought after by the new organization “Pianeta Modena”!
Further work is underway on a new website project, which allows to better integrate the knowledge and above all the appreciation of the “Menu dei Motori” phenomenon: the only means of communication in the world of the environment of the “Best Italian Cars”, indeed!
But not only, the new issue of the yearbook is going to evolve even more the positive aspects of innovation, which have already characterized the previous numbers 21 and 22, to arrive at a product of absolute quality: for content, materials, care of composition and, why not? Originality! A feature that never hurts and that, not by chance, has made the environment of the “Pianeta Modena”, a true symbol, together with “Menu dei Motori”, of the “Best Italian Cars” famous in the world!